Monday, August 23, 2021

Why should you use cheque printers?

Relying on banks to order cheques can be very bothersome. Therefore, most business operators utilizer cheque printers due to their myriad of beneficial features. A Cheque printer can also help companies to generate business in this digitalized age. Here are some reasons for you to purchase your own cheque printers to conduct business transactions effectively.   

Reduce frauds

Cheque printers are very efficient in reducing fraud. The constantly evolving technological advancement allows a cheque printer in Canada to have specialized features that can easily reduce the attempt of fraudulence during money transfer. Studies have shown that more than 90% of fraud cases have been halted during the cheque clearing process with the printing machine.  

Use of latest technological features

Technological features like UV-sensitive ink, holograms, embedded image, etc., help prevent fraudulence to a large extent. The UV-sensitive ink is invisible in normal light but can be seen under UV rays, which can be difficult to fake. Holograms mostly include the company logos, but the cheque would be destroyed if someone tries to alter them. Similarly, embedded images are only visible at a particular angle, that quite impossible to fake. The integration of these advanced technologies allows the cheque printer to prevent fraudulence that is quite useful for business organizations and companies.   

Printing machines are used in business organizations to protect cheques. Nowadays, cheque printing machines are in-built with various technological features. Determine what features you require for your cheque printing before choosing the cheque printer. If you are in need of a cheque printing service, contact Ace Printing to get an affordable service.

For further details about cheque printer please visit the website.

Sunday, August 22, 2021

What can security advantages the laser cheques printing provide you?

Not just to reduce cheque fraud but to increase your savings, laser-printed cheques are the most suitable. Due to the advanced technology incorporated in cheque production, you no longer need to put a pen on your cheques, which is the use of laser cheques. The laser cheque printing service allows you to customize the whole cheque production process to prevent fraud issues. Let’s get to know what security advantages laser cheque printing offers.   

The software asks for user verification to operate

Having multiple boxes to store and secure preprinted cheques for your every bank accounts is can be risky, instead of having a single source of blank cheque stock. In case someone wants to steal the cheques, they would go for preprinted cheque stocks. But if you use laser cheque printing, the software would ask for user verification to operate, so the operator can submit their order to print. Using laser cheques in Canada would allow you to do cheque payments, being less worried as it offers better tracking.    

Laser cheques printing software use encrypted signature

You can misplace the signature cards, or it can wear out. But the laser cheque printing software allows signatures to be encrypted with multiple layers of password security. Furthermore, the printing laser cheques can be controlled on the basis of cheque amount or account number.  

Other than providing a clear and accurate reading option, using laser cheque printing also reduces the chance of misinformation. Don’t rely on your bank to order cheques. Get in touch with Ace Printing to order and create your customized laser cheques.

For further details about laser cheques please visit the website.